Seven Healthcare Stocks to Watch:
As for the Supreme Court's Decisions are concerned its worth nothing that 3 major decisions were decided by the Supreme Court exactly-the-same way 6-3. Something for all of us to think about! Why is that?
The highest court of this nation shouldn't be this way - for citizens of this country, every case should a nail biter, totally unpredictable. It's not Congress for god's sake. We need to do something about this. This is not good for our Country.
We are losing the cohesiveness of our society, its causing divisions among Americans, and a lot of tiny-brained hate mongers fomenting political unrest to spread their hateful ideology in our society.
We shouldn't tolerate them regardless who they are, and regardless of their political and religious affiliations. We should work toward restoring respect for the law and our institutions. This is America. Stop the, feeble minded, scoundrels from taking advantage.
The Editor
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