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567 Dead over 20,000 infected, 11 million in Wuhan and 9,300 on cruise ship locked up, 60% of Chinese production, consumption affected, be prepared for a 1,000 point Drop, First Quarter Global GDP contraction. The brave Doctor who blew the whistle dead.

Alice woke up and pulled the curtain of her cabin window, it’s a beautiful morning and the sun is shining Yokohama, it has been four days since Alice and her husband arrived at the port but the authorities are not allowing them to disembark, the ship corridors are unusually quiet, the cafes and restaurants are closed, the captain ordered everyone on-board to stay-in their cabins, no one is allowed out.

Corona Virus on a packed cruise ship with thousands of passengers and crew could be lethal, 12 passengers with corona virus have been evacuated from the ship and the captain is not taking any chances.



Now think about 11 million people in a bustling city of Wuhan (a city larger than LA and Chicago combined!) and many neighboring smaller cities are completely cutoff from the rest of China, in Beijing, birthdays and wedding celebrations are now banned, many cities allowing one member per family to leave their self-quarantined apartments, every two days, for a few hours to buy groceries.

The communists can do this, you can’t imagine any major city in the world doing exactly what they are doing in Wuhan, a total shut-down, and we all should be grateful that they can do this (I've never thought I would ever say, thank you to a communist) otherwise, the Spanish Flu that killed 50 million people would look like a common cold.

A BBC reporter got a hold of a few residents of Wuhan over the phone, and a woman who identified herself as Lin, told the reporter that Do Not Trust the numbers, sound familiar? She said those dying at home are quickly cremated and are not counted, and those who are dying at the hospitals before a proper diagnosis and care are not counted either. And another reporter who visited Wuhan, now living in a self-quarantine, reported that there is a shortage of hospital beds, and many government buildings have been converted into temporary hospital wards, elevators in high rise residential buildings are turned-off to discourage people from leaving the buildings.

The world economy is more integrated than you think, you like it or not, China is the highway that connects the world, at least, for now, all the major global manufactures have already announced disruptions to their supply chain, crucial parts are not being shipped out, Koreans and Japanese are forced to close factories.

So brace for a 1,000 point drop or perhaps choreographed, well-orchestrated and more palatable 500 point drops!

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