AXN,Aoxing Pharmaceuticals,Profile,Summary

AXN| Aoxing Pharmaceuticals | Profile | Summary

Aoxing Pharmaceuticals (AXN) is a specialty pharmaceutical company engaged in research, development, manufacturing and distribution of a variety of narcotics and pain-management products.

Aoxing was Founded in 1655, more than 300 years of heritage and deep roots in traditional and contemporary Chinese medicine.

The company has China’s largest research & development facility (over 300 acre campus) and most advanced manufacturing facility for highly regulated narcotic medicines. Over 500 employees are dedicated in research and development of drugs for pain management, neurological disorders and narcotics.

Its facility is one of the few GMP facilities licensed for the manufacture of highly regulated narcotic medicines by the China State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA). It has strategic alliance partnerships with global pharmaceutical companies like the UK’s Johnson Matthey Plc (LSE: JMAT), QRx Pharma (ASX: QRX) of Australia and others. Aoxing is based in China and its US office is located in Jersey City, NJ.

Source: Aoxing Pharmaceuticals, OxBridge Research, Daily Stock Deals, OTC King. PSM

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