CBRX, Columbia Labs. NEPT, Neptune Technologies

CBRX – Columbia Labs, is focused on development and commercialization of women’s healthcare and endocrinology products. It develops products by utilizing its bioadhesive drug delivery technologies.

The company offers bioadhesive vaginal gel products that provide solutions for infertility, pregnancy support, amenorrhea, gynecologic, and other medical conditions. Its products include CRINONE and PROCHIEVE, which are progesterone gels; and STRIANT, a testosterone buccal system. Bouncing back from 52WK LOWS.

NEPT – Neptune Technologies & Bioressources is a biotechnology company that makes products derived from marine biomasses for the nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.

Neptune product prevents skin damages caused by chronic exposure to UV radiation; reduces the physical and emotional symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome; provides relief from dysmenorrheal; controls hyperlipidemia by reducing the cholesterol levels; reduces chronic inflammation and osteoarthritis disease; and controls attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. Very Attractive, keep an eye!

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