Harmonic Energy, ASUV, Profile, Summary

Harmonic Energy |ASUV| Profile |Summary


Harmonic Energy, ASUV, is a development stage company that provides a comprehensive solution to the disposition of scrap tires worldwide. The solution utilized by Harmonic combines technologies that ensure that each scrap tire is either re-manufactured and put back on the road as a new tire or is recycled and reduced into marketable chemical commodity products. Both the tire re-manufacturing and Tyrolysis™ technology utilized by Harmonic are commercially proven and in operation independently around the world.

Harmonic Energy combines technologies that ensure scrap tires are re-manufactured or are recycled and reduced into high grade carbon & diesel oil. The Harmonic integrated recycling plant will produce high quality tires, oils, and carbon blacks at competitive prices with the smallest environmental footprint.

The global tire market is expanding rapidly putting extreme pressure on the rubber and rubber related industries. The Harmonic solution represents one of the most profitable rubber recycling option available with respect to scrap rubber and waste tires. The technologies are proven, profitable and commercially viable and currently in use in many part of the world. The network of end users spans the globe and Harmonic is gearing up to dominate the tire recycling market around the globe.
Harmonic is the first company to integrate the two technologies to provide a comprehensive ‘closed-loop’ solution for the management of scrap tires.

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